Established in 2001

Swift Enterprises Company logo

Swift Enterprises is working to advance the areas of power, energetics, and propulsion at the practical level through discovery. Our facilities allow Swift to perform laboratory exploration, process and performance development.We utilize the services of industry-recognized third-party laboratories to validate in-house findings. Along with its advisors and partners, Swift Enterprises is continuing to enable the United States and the world in energy independence.

A newspaper article with the headline 'China Lake Scientists Discover New Fuel' with a picture of Dr. John Rusek working in the lab
Newpaper article continued on the next page with the title 'New Fuel'. Round glass container with clear fuel at the bottom
Five-Single cell set-up in the labratory
Beaker with liquid and tubes coming out of it feeding into a computer monitor
Molecular model of the desired fuel atoms.
Beaker with liquid and tubes coming out of it feeding into a computer monitor